
July 8th, 2024

I am so angry and tired. I hate living here I hate this stupid house I hate everything about it and nothing is going to make it better. I don't like dogs. I can tolerate them, I can tolerate a lot, but now my and and foot hurt because I got badly bitten by the dog that no one gives a shit about but me. I hate that he is all alone and no one pays attention to him I hate that hes restricted to a not very large area I hate how he's treated and yet I can't even do anything about it because he's untrained and doesn't know what to do with himself. I'm so tired of this. I want to just sleep. I hate living here I hate it so fucking much nothing is my choice and I can't stand it.
I just want to go to sleep forever. I don't even care anymore. I'm so close to apathy and I honestly would prefer to be back at that point but there's just so much that is making me so unbelievably angry I just don't know what to do. I am so tired all the time I hate having emotions.
I miss Hamlet. I haven't seen him in a while. He is probably also doing bad. I just want to hold him or him to hold me or something. I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm sorry I've been so inconsistent with updating. I'm going to try and get better at it I promise but I also just haven't been fronting and everything happening where I live is just terrible. I wish I could just be alone and not care. I just want to be left alone.
I guess I can't promise to update soon, but I'll try my best to at least write or draw or something.
- ☀️

July 10th, 2024

I don't want to leave my room. I don't really have any reason to beyond finding something to eat and using the bathroom. I'm just really really tired.
I'm going to try and draw today. Maybe update my website some more. I don't know. I'm just really tired.
- ☀️