
May 3rd, 2024

I got sick. Not quite better yet.
I thought I would have updated more before May came around, it's getting closer and closer to this websites anniversary. That's so weird. It's officially been a year since I split from the host too. Also really really weird it's been that long. But I'm still here I guess. Still quiet and still building a website.
The host is talking about system things a lot more in therapy and it is very stressful for him and also me. The therapist asked if the host wanted to show him my website. I did not want that. Not even a little bit. No one needs to see this place except for people who don't know the host and very Very specific exceptions. I want to be seen as me here, not as someone else.
What else. I am still sick. It sucks ass. School sucks ass. Everything sucks ass. My job is fine though. Good even.
I want to draw. I think that's it.
Write soon.
- ☀️